Dutch Harvest Hemp Tea - Hemp and Chai - CBD Rich Tea


CBD Rich Dutch Harvest Hemp Tea - Hemp and Chai flavor - CBD Rich Tea.


A warm, spicy pick-me-up


This Hemp Chai combines Ayurvedic spices with the Dutch hemp into an aromatic, slightly sweet blend that you can enjoy at any time of the day. The spicy Chai herbs are warming and deliciously energising. The fresh lemongrass makes this Hemp Chai a great summer drink, too. Enjoy on its own or add (plant-based) milk for a delightful ‘Chai Latte’.



Hemp leaves and flowers (60%), lemongrass, fennel seeds, cinnamon, ginger, parsley, cardamom, pink pepper, licorice. 100% organic ingredients.



  • Use 2 table spoons hemp per 1 liter, or 1 teaspoon for 1 cup of hemp tea.
  • Pour boiling water
  • Let your tea infuse for 5-7 minute


50 gram, serves 40 cups of tea